Parker has the earliest start time and I have the latest one they are giving out this time of year, 4:30 am and 7:00 am respectively. This is Shala time and you have to figure that out (basically 20 minutes earlier). He is at Saraswati’s Shala and I am at the main Shala which is a 6 minute walk. We are the first to arrive where he is is supposed to go and we sit outside the gate. I thought it was going to rain on us and just then two men walked on by, thru the gate and up the stairs. Parker took the opportunity to follow. These guys knew the ropes and from what he told me they started their practice. He waited for Saraswati and I told him to wait for her. He would not have started even without that advise. Best not to pretend that you know when you don’t and that seems to be the first thing one has to learn anywhere. She would teach him and we had time. His practice was nice with lots of sun salutations and the first part of standing poses. Sit in lotus and rest. It was an hour, it was good. He will learn and I will let go. Chanting class is at 10 am. This is out of the comfort zone but feels right here at this time and place and he is enthusiastic about the process.
After I leave Parker, it’s 4:30 am and nothing is open for me to go and wait for my start time. Parker has our key to the apartment. So I figure I would go to the Shala and wait there. I am in the waiting room and I look up and Sharath is there in front of me telling me I can’t wait here. I mention that I know my start time is later but that my son is taking practice now with Saraswati and I thought I could wait. He listens. Anyway, no problem, I go outside and figure I would wait outside on this nice bench just inside the gate. It’s safe there and I figure I’m not bothering anyone. Just then I hear Sharath talking to me from inside the window to his office and he tells me to come inside and take practice. I was taken back and not sure it was him as it seemed that this was not something he normally does, talk to people outside from his window. So I come back in. The Shala is full and I really don’t see a spot. Now what? I am back near the door to the Shala and see a spot just in the corner near his office. It was like it just appeared there, like an oasis. It is just next to the men’s changing room and no one in front which is sort of nice. But his office is right there so I am working hard to mind my drishti and all. Nice practices all around me and the breathing is steady and strong but not forced at all. Energy is building all around me as I start and I feel a slight shake but it quickly leaves as I start my sun salutations. I have been doing these a long time, no problem but I want to find my Bandhas and be sure to push through my heels and all that. What I found in this mornings practice is that my practice just flowed. It was easy and just as I got to Utthita Hasta, Sharath jumped up out of his seat on the stage to assist me. I thought that was pretty cool. Chuck knows how much I like that adjustment. I think I may associate it with love.
I kept moving and breathing and kept my head down in the forward bends to touch. This is calming to me and I was working to maintain my calm and not to let the mind wander too much. I had a lot of mind stuff going on from my restless sleep and going over words and conversations in my head and then waking from a cool dream. Every asana felt right today, sat up took my legs in Supta Kurmasana, slide my arms effortlessly thru in Garbha Pindasana and then in back bends made an attempt to stand and just waited. He assisted me again and when he said walk in, I walked my hands in. Again, I did it some more. I was really glad I had been working on this with Chuck. Come up, sit down, push down and go.
Upon leaving to go to the finishing room he says, “you come same time tomorrow.” Then asks “how old is your son?” He smiles with my answer and I felt blessed, so very blessed to have made a connection . . . again.